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Engage your clients with their own environment

Say goodbye to time-consuming reporting. Our client dashboard streamlines the process by allowing clients to view contractors, talent, and payments all in one place. You decide what information is visible, and your clients stay informed and satisfied.


Invite & manage clients

Bubty's data hierarchy allows you to invite and manage clients with ease. Create separate client instances and limit their access to specific information. This feature provides you with full control over what your clients can see and do.

Link projects, profiles, and candidates

Bubty makes it easier for clients to engage with your company by linking profiles, projects, and payments to specific clients alone. Even have clients create projects or requests that would ultimately lead to business growth.


Automate reporting & dashboard

Bubty's automated reporting and dashboard takes the hassle out of building reports for your clients. With all data actively linked to each client's own environment, monthly reports are automatically sent and live customized dashboards are available. Enjoy full visibility and transparency for your clients.

Toggle clients instances

With Bubty, you can toggle seamlessly between multiple client instances from your own single super-admin profile. This feature eliminates the need for separate sign-ins and password chaos, making it easier to manage and navigate client instances.


Book a call with our experts

Bubty integrates with the best specialized companies worldwide to take over your compliance and payment liability.


Explore other featured functions



Business intelligence